
Beats by Dr Dre Pro on Wang Kan all of a

Seeing them has to play what cheap trick, way:"I am Li Jian, do you seek me to have what matter?"While speaking, Li Jian sees four boys of Huang Jin Yang in this big captain of after death, just bad ruthlessly looking at oneself.
"Are you Li Jian?"Wang Kan up and down conjectures Li Jian, tiny hum one breath, ruthlessly way:"What matter?You are the clearest by yourself!"
Li Jian's corner of mouth is tiny to raise, on picking, eyebrows' way:", That how do you want to do?"
Wang Kan stared Li Jian Yi's eye, facial expression Ao however, the voice color accompanies fierce tunnel:"Your shooting to death your boy the criminal acts committing 1,000 times is all right already, however seen are a person at you just up, we specially treat to you, generous processing, as long as you help us to take back the sword of Xuan Yuan, I promise your Human bodies are safe, this is that you has a great achievement expiatory only opportunity."
Li Jian's air peculiarly stares at this king to investigate big captain, he really doubts that there is excrement in the brain of this guy, however, this guy thus and clearly threatens him, Li Jian isn't very great, wrinkle up eyebrows, way:"Tell you a very unfortunate news ……"
Wang Kan completely didn't realize that he gave offense to a what kind of person, handing over of Huang Chu Yun needs to be also forgotten and won the appearance of coupon's in control in times before, the full face gets color tunnel:"How, do you want to resist?I advise you to give up this mind, ignore you much strong, face our Long Wei Da Dun's brigade to only defeat and destroyed of end."
Li Jian don't realize the useless talk of Wang Kan Da Dun's captain at all and wait he to finish saying, immediately after way:"I dislike most the other people threaten me and especially is like you this kind of don't know so-called idiocy."
"You ……his mama of, boy, seek dead!"The big captain spirit is hasty, pull out a gun to toward Li Jian is one gun, what he takes aim at is Li Jian's thigh, is about to see oneself's results in battle, his facial expression Jiang lived, that teed off bullet lightly agile Qiao ground drive Li Jian of two fingers clips tightly, Li Jian is tiny tiny to him a smile.
Wang Kan Jing Nu hands over to add and bawls out a way:"Open fire for Lao Tze!Seeing this boy can answer how much bullet, Lao Tze doesn't believe his knife gun not to go into!"
Food for powder summary execution his order, the gun muzzle aims at Li Jian and buttons up a trigger,The Ta Ta Ta Ta……Pitch dark gun tube jet clear Huang of flame, bullet shoot of full of smog open to the view of blocking people.
"Stop!"Wang Kan calls way, the food for powder stopped gunning, public go toward the position of Li Jian's place a see.
The owner includes just Li Qin Xue coming out because of hearing a gun voice waits a person, was all one to see a ghost similar facial expression, the brass bullet that see a gold Can Can suspended so in mid air, be like inset at a block up a transparent wall up similar, listen to a Li Jian light way at this time:"Return to you."The bullet that original Wang Kan projects was also played by him to go out.
All bullets to that roar and shout a glint to return to, those soldiers are projected in times before by they in the consternation of the bullet pierced through body and poured in the pool of blood.
"You ……monster!"The king investigates into ground to pour to go, the arm is bestill aten in, the full face is frightened, just of power and prestige not to where know to run to go to, panic nervous Zhang Di shouts a way:"All member of team gather, first brigade, protection wall;Second brigade, read a dint lock;Third brigade, prepare to shoot Long Yan."
The words that investigates along with the king, he after death 120 people come forward an one step and gather into three squads, a squad hand in hand of 40 people, constitute a strange form.Li Jian sends out spirit to read dint to respond for a while and discovers these people concentrating the mentality of oneself together, first squad, form the Zhang that a spirit reads dint to cover in front of them, up in the air present light ivory, is so-called protection of wall.The second brigade reads a dint lock to then want to use the activity that the spirit reads dint durance Li Jian and have no special.Long Yan of the third brigade,www.headphones-fashion.com, see a head more already, sees an arm thick, the three meters much long red and red flame suspends half empty, like a fire Long Bo , this flame temperature is very high, the temperature foot contains around ten thousand degree.
The king investigated to rely on, again proud, way:"See are the share of a rare talented person at you up, again warn you ……"
" Want to deal with me with these artificial remarkable talents, idiocy."Li Jian Dao, and these people absolutely is at wasted he or she precious time and energy, with once the hand flick, the spirit reads dint to surround these people, go toward inside on pressing, these artificial remarkable talent immediately like be bombed a crest generally by five thunders, Li Jian exerts of stress, cause they of the mentality Be anti- to bite, more than 100 persons are painful to beat to roll on the ground.As for that flame, Li Jian didn't waste, under his operation, this fire dragon lived generally and fiercely made a pounce upon Wang Kan all of a sudden and in a twinkling burned him into a heap of Tan ash and bellowed an also too late.
Is public again foolish live, don't dare to believe ground to hope Li Jian, all know Li Jian Qiang, but have never thoughted of he is strong to arrive this kind of situation.
"Withdraw!"The strength Li Jian make a show of today Huang Jin Yang first responds to come over a hurried way, , far and far outran their imaginations, now withdraw is the best choice.
"Want to walk!"Li Jian but don't make them fulfill a wish, have some animation today, if don't give these people some earthquake Zhes, hereafter affirm endless.Five fingers tiny piece, the Lin text of Huang Jin Yang, the south temple Kai and Su, 4 Long Hai Pos are grasped half by him empty, a bit not happy ask a way:"Cautiously calculate to calculate, this is you which time seek me of bother?"
The hard spirit tunnel of Huang Jin Yang:"Don't think that you have great power to act wildly in defiance of the law or public opinion intentionally."
Lin Wu Jiao Dao of Su:"One day there will, you will encounter retribution."
Long Hai Po's way:"Grow open beat 1!"
"Act wildly in defiance of the law or public opinion, ha ha ……" Li Jian smiled and really felt ridiculous, at on the earth those persons who a little bit have a little strength and power and influence, have how many don't act wildly in defiance of the law or public opinion?Because the strength and the power and influence in the their hand, the common run of people is be subjected to them of bully can go toward hard water to swallow in the belly, the his turns be humiliated and then shout loudly now what act wildly in defiance of the law or public opinion, really funny.
"Li Jian passes my elder brother."Long Xing Yao begs a way and sees Li Jian basically ignore himself/herself, Long Xing Yao pulls Li Qin Xue, hasty way:"The late autumn, Qin snow and Guo Qing make him away with it quickly!"
Li Qin Xue is said by Long Xing Yao softhearted, soft language way:"Li Jian, they ……"
Huang Jin Yang again way:"Qin snow doesn't request this bastard, the open man of my Huang Jin Yang is that kind of, the vulgar Gong sits with crossed knees of person, you saw, this is his true character, he is a homicide crazy."That facial expression absolutely is righteously see dead if return.
Li Jian Zhou knit the brows, this boy still doesn't forget performance hero this time the bearing is in front of Qin snow, really defy spirit don't go, Li Jian has some boring tunnel:"You also need not advise me, they are four to really is to bother too much, don't give them some precept to still really think that I humiliate so much and always entwine endlessly.Like to show off hero, hum, I help you today."
Huang Jin Yang, Su's the Lin temple Kai 4 people's body of the force, Long Hai Po and south is one earthquake, a burst of Jing Lyuan, quarrel overflow thrombus come, very heavily drop into a ground, lie prone on the ground photogenic four regiment the lousy mire is general.Li Jian makes their 4 people discard together and breaks the blood vessels on their body thoroughly, from now on they are just a common run of people, even the common run of people is also not equal to.Li Jian Pie hits the ground last 4 people, cold tunnel:"Is original I am to don't want to realize you, you basically aren't worth my making moves.All of today's everythings are that you ask for it, I discarded your fighting skills, you were best hereafter Anne 1:00."

Volume 10 chapter 1 goes Japan again
Renew time:2010-4-2016:18:44 chapter word numbers:8886

Tokyo, Japan
A street lamp of an alley street corner suddenly puts out and led for two seconds, the back route light again shines, and Li Jian walked out in the lane since the childhood.For the sake of the affair of processing a thousand years, Li Jian again arrived at Japan, he the position of place leave the house of a thousand years to still have a distance now, now is 4:30 A.M., Li Jian feels oneself to must seem that time not wait, a thousand years one family should all still just sleeping, for idling away Related articles:

