
beats by dre solo ial concubine's news

Chapter 638 expensive imperial concubine's news
The Anne Lu mountain takes a nap to almost want two hours and cans not strike by lightning, asleep behind then from his close soldier sh ì the Wei is sleeping building to around guard, Li Zhu is a sh ì to wait one of the confident that he goes to bed, be Anne Lu mountain asleep after, he can squat down at one side nap, or have lunch, this period of time he more free, certainly, he can also go out, the nobody takes care of him, but he appeared while hasing to wake up in the Anne Lu mountain, and otherwise he will be punished severely.
Li Zhu is 20, an eunuch today, before decade, he is still a youth drive bring in Anne Lu mountain of in the mansion, the Anne Lu mountain favors his cleverness skillful, held knife to castrate in person he, from now on, Li Zhu didn't develop any further, he has been 22 years old now, but shape be still with decade front similar, see him from the figure, thin and small, Yan such as the youth is general.
The Li Zhu parents both died, was his uncle Lee to inebriate to keep since the childhood he greatly, though those early years were his uncle Lees to inebriate to send him into Anne Lu mountain your home, his Li Zhu didn't hate, he allowed however was like to treat kindly he or she, this the only close relatives to the similar father.
Li Zhu came out from Wang Fu of Yan and called a wagon then and in a hurry to city north but go, his uncle invited a person to take a message for him in the morning, he the old disease went into action and made Li Zhu free to see him, Li Zhu understood the meaning of this sentence, at waited upon Anne Lu mountain sleeping after, he then arrived to the abode that uncle Lee inebriates.
Li Zui originally lives the city is an eastern broken-down small house in, but he moved house and lived into one to cover eight acres of big houses, and then added more than ten servants girl servant lately, Lee inebriated of Niang son three year agos ran with others, but now, he married again two such as hu ā the beautiful Jiao Niang of jade, there is money of inexhaustibility in home, it is said that that he still has five outside the city the good farm is just.
Though the whole world upside down variety happen, Lee inebriates of some friends don't feel surprising as well, after all his nephew, Li Zhu, is Anne Lu mountain nearby of confident, the nature is rich.
But Li Zhu's in the mind understand the all these is as irrelevant as he, he though wait upon the confident of the Lu mountain of Anne, but at Anne Lu mountain eyes in, he didn't distinguish with a dog, don't say to bestow his money, he even have a meal is all Anne Lu mountain leave of cripple thick soup leftover rice, just since last year, the Anne Lu mountain just gives him three money monthly.
Was like a dog general life in a decade, body of incomplete had a kind of hard Qi the pain-suffering of while making him urinate, the all these made him hate to the bone to the Anne Lu mountain, but again feared him of pole.
Until uncle Lee inebriates to him introduce a person, this person to his respect, just make him feel the person's dignity, this person woulds be a history to think clearly.
The new house that Lee inebriates is located in city north one call the streets and lanes of five good man lanes in, is a more concealment house, in addition to this house, the history thinks to still send clearly to Lee inebriate two beauties and 10,000 Guan moneys, city outside of five just the good farm is also a history to think clearly send.
Moreover for Li Zhu, the history thinks clearly also unusually generous, send to he is 1,002 golds, the Rong casts into a big gold Buddha, Li Zhu covers up it at the uncle's old house in, that is his finding shelter of empress half a lifetime to keep life money.
Li Zhu just on knocking on door, the door then opened, l ù uncle, Li Zui, kept white fat face.
"You how just come, enter quickly!"
Li Zui is some to put blame on a way:"Keep other people waiting two quick hours."
"Today fatty in a bad humor, he just just slept bottom, what matter does the uncle have?"
"I have no matter, is someone is waiting you, follow me quickly!"
Li Zhu follows an uncle to walk into inside the room and sits a young man with tall and big in stature shape in the building, is reading, Li Zhu Yi's eye then recognizes out, is a history to think a clear son history dynasty righteousness.
He hurriedly comes forward to kneel down to see a gift, the history dynasty righteousness flurried starts to hand him, "Li Ge Er, quickly don't so!"
History dynasty the righteousness think to grow clearly with his father's history totally different, the history thinks clear hair withered Huang and loses face hawk-nosed, one the face ji ā n Zha, but history dynasty righteousness grew a square face big ear, had for several cents, Hahn people's shape, be like his mother, and the ng son of x ì is also different, the history thinks clearly cruelty and cruel, cold heartless, but history dynasty righteousness is generous, get a history to think esteeming highly of clear subordinate rather.
He ask Li Zhu to sit down to say with smile:"I know that you wanted to be hasty to rush through to return to, I made a long story short."
Li Zhu Gan j ī way:"Thank history general for making allowance for, today that person in a bad humor, I am worried that he will early come to."
"That I kept saying."
The history dynasty righteousness saw Lee inebriate one eye, Li Zui then and tactfully kept on backing and without extra trouble closed the door, the history dynasty righteousness short cut:"BE so, my father gets a news and say that the imperial concubine hides a body in the too original mansion song sun county....."
Li Zhu pleasantly surprised way:"Anne Lu mountain to ex- imperial concubine but long for day and night, he listens to hu ā h u ā say that the imperial concubine hides a body at too original, he then launched to the too original battle, if really find out the imperial concubine, his affirmation will rejoice become mad."
History dynasty righteousness but put to say with smile:"The of course not is true, in fact my fathers all know, affirmation of Yang Gui Fei is in the Li Qing An's hand, but Anne Lu mountain Be not willing to believe, this period of time my father has been being looking for, the result really found out in the country of easy state a resemble Yang Gui Fei of woman, certainly just outward appearance mutually, she is just a country Yu f ù, and the imperial concubine is to don't get a ratio, but my father have been being training her and finally train recently some shape, my father then hides her song sun in too original mansion county, this news you have to opportunity to seek deeply l ù to Anne Lu mountain."
Li Zhu hesitates a way:"Let I deeply l ù perhaps he doesn't believe, I never go out and how can know that the imperial concubine hides a county at the song sun."
"The of course not is directly and deeply you l ù, tomorrow morning will have a female Taoist priest to seek Anne the Lu mountain provide the imperial concubine's intelligence report in the song sun county, had better you can come out for a while and lead him to see Anne Lu mountain, so, you got involved this matter, you said to see, what hour she to better?"
Li Zhu thought for a while, way:"Si positive!If there is no accident, I can come out for a while, afraid tomorrow will have a special affair I walk not to open, however if Si don't go, already a moment can be also."
The history dynasty righteousness asks a way again:"Now Yan Wang Fu in, affirmation only have your one person ever seen the imperial concubine?"
Li Zhu Dian nods, "I once waited upon Anne the Lu mountain entered a temple to attend party and once saw the imperial concubine once at the party, in fact another eunuch Luo grasped loyalty to once see the imperial concubine as well and just had already got a heavy disease to die at the beginning of some time."
"This to, you can put forward to the Anne Lu mountain, you go to a song sun county and recognize, if is connect to return to the imperial concubine."
Make reference to this, the history dynasty righteousness takes out a spool of painting, open on the table, say with smile:"You see this painting, tomorrow female the Taoist priest will take this painting see Anne Lu mountain, moreover still an imperial concubine once used of the jade Qing is heavy my father hu ā gold to ask an eunuch to steal out from the south Tang Gong, these two kind things are evidence."
Li Zhu comes forward to took a look a painting, sees Yang Gui Fei be dressed in whole body female the Taoist priest tunic take and match Zhang to kneel on the Pu regiment, the facial appearance is lucid and attractive and free from vulgarity, he immediately surprised way:"This is really the imperial concubine!"
"This is certainly the imperial concubine, a palace painting the work secretly draw in pure temple in R.O.C of, be also used by my father heavy the gold buy to come to hand, this painting be is the imperial concubine in the song sun too the staying of the n view of y ī be like, you want to remember, attach and female the words of the Taoist priest, end, you want to put forward on your own initiative the song sun recognize, understand?"
Is nervous in Li Zhu Xin get the Peng Peng keep jumping, he ordered to nod, and the history dynasty righteousness clapped to clap his shoulder to say with smile:"I promise you, this matter be over after, I send you to go to Chang-an, let you after Chang-an enjoying the rich and honored of half a lifetime."
Li Zhu is touched the tearses all wanted out, he knelt down bang bang Ke two, "the special kindness of history general, I am born firmly in mind to heart."
"Start to please!Start to please!You return to quickly!Don't make Anne's fatty doubt you."
"That I walked."
Li Zhu doesn't dare to stop over and turned round to then and in a hurry walk, the history dynasty righteousness put away thing and then left Li Zui Jia from the back door.
Return to Yan Wang Fu before, Li Zhu silently arrived at the old house that Lee inebriates inside again, Li Zui since had a new house, this old house he need not, be taken away by Li Zhu.
The house is very old, only have three, however is a brick building, also fructify on the whole, was Li Zhu's father's house at the earliest stage, the parents have already been taken up by the uncle after dying of illness.
Outside room inside all empty d à ngd à ng, at most in of the heap in a house is full miscellaneous articles or objects, Li Zhu arrives at corner of wall and digs a box with iron Qiao and opens a box, in is a very heavy copper Buddha, the foot contains more than 60 catties, this gold Buddha that is the thinking to cast into for his 1,002 gold Rongs clearly with the history, outside plated 1 F copper.
Li Zhu lightly fondles m ō to wear this Zun copper Buddha, he is unbearable opened the mouth Hey Hey ground to smile, 1,002 golds!Be worth of 30,000 Guans, his whole life when once had so much money, this a moment, he feels that his own the whole individual's livingsing all be full of a hope.
Time soon then arrived second sky noon, the Anne Lu mountain sat on the den pleasing to listener sh ì Wei and read the intelligence report that delivers everywhere, his eyes only in the morning just rise chu á ng still unwillingly can see pure thing, but very quick eyes will become misty, start seeing a not pure writing, even if a person stand in front of him, he is also a mold faintness paste, with felling harmony sound to recognize the other party, this is his one big secret, only a few of his confidents sh ì Wei knows, he prohibits any tell others, connect strive for a private classic be also deceived in the drum, this is also Anne Lu mountain and like and call the cause of the great commander conference in the morning.
Listenned to a few intelligence report, nothing but want money to want a food everywhere, the Anne Lu mountain then had no interest, he beat a gape to ask a way:"Still what is up?"
At this time, Li Zhu who stands in one side secretly saw one eye hourglass, Be getting more positive while having already arrived Si right away, nervous must jump out quickly in his heart, see Anne the Lu mountain ask words, he hurriedly comes forward a way:"Wang Ye ate the hour of dessert to arrive, I went to and carried a dessert for Wang Ye."
This is the habit of the Lu mountain of Anne, Si or so must eat a dessert, drink cup hot tea again, Anne Lu mountain H'm a , Li Zhu then and in a hurry went out, he just went out in a little while and at the right moment saw a servant girl carry a stocktaking heart to come, he once connected a dessert plate, and then outside hoped to go to the front door, saw a sh ì Wei stretch forward to explore a brain in the hospital doorway, and he then asks a way:"What matter?"
"Li Ge Er, the doorway came one female Taoist priest, say to have the imperial concubine's news."
Indeed as expected came, a burst of wildly jump in Li Zhu Xin, sh ì Wei again way:"If Wang Ye has no time, I beat to deliver her to walk."
This is the history to let toward the righteousness the reason that Li Zhu comes to render assistance for a while, because of Anne the Lu mountain hang to appreciate the news that 100,000 Guans seek Yang Gui Fei, these two in the last yearses report that the persons of Yang Gui Fei's news are much like cow(hair) and just started still having interest, but after disappointing each time, the Anne Lu mountain also has a little vexed, the sh ì Weis don't dare as well to easily report a report and only happen to Anne the Lu mountain didn't go to bed, again in good humor, just dare to report report for a while.
So Li Zhu if don't come out, female Taoist priest probably even see the opportunities of the Lu mountain of Annes all have no, Li Zhu's short cut:"The no harm lets her holds on a moment, at the right moment Wang Ye at the rest, I report to report 1."
Li Zhu carried a plate to walk into in the building, the Anne Lu mountain was carrying cup to drink tea, and eyes Mi becomes 1 to sew, is seeing one tree Huai hu ā out of the window.
He lets go of a plate, small track:"Wang Ye, outside came one female Taoist priest, say to have Yang Gui Fei's news."
Anne Lu mountain eyebrows 1:"How to come again, credibility?"
"The slave doesn't go out not to know, but the slave thinks, Yang Gui Fei is to is a female as well Taoist priest?Probably have a little meaning."
Anne Lu mountain the point nod a way:"That you go first to ask, if hope really a little bit, get her again to come in!"
Anne Lu mountain look for Yang Gui Fei's hopes to all consign on the hu's the ā hu ā body, don't entertain to the others what hope, and hu ā h u ā say, Yang Gui Fei is in the too original city and took strict precautions against at first too much now last-ditch, he even had no viewpoint.
Li Zhu went out, a short moment ran to come in a way:"Wang Ye has a little hope!The female Taoist priest comes from the too original mansion."
Anne Lu mountain once the spirit flap and connect a track:"Is quick!Quickly declare that she come in."
Is very quick, a few sh ì Weis took a female Taoist priest to walk to come in, saw this female Taoist priest year about 40 successful in career, the full face is horizontal(meat), a see would be good people not.
The her left hand takes a handle to brush off dust, the right hand makes a bow with hands folded in front to salute a way to the Anne Lu mountain:"Have no quantity is for sky!The I pays respects to Yan his highness king."
She takes a pack, drive sh ì the Wei take on the hand, Anne the Lu mountain no time for waiting way:"Taoist priestess, do you know expensive imperial concubine's empress' whereabouts?"
"The I returns seven days earlier and she together, however she was no longer the imperial concubine, way is too true."
Anne the Lu mountain is foolish for a while, Li Zhu connects a people's way:"His highness, Yang Gui Fei formally seals expensive before the imperial concubine, is it a house that did too true Taoist priestess?"
Anne Lu mountain exultation, again way:"You say quickly, where is she ?"
Female Taoist priest in no hurry way:"His highness, the I is from the too original mansion song sun county too the n view of y ī since then, we too the n view of y ī is Qin Guo's madam to donate to support fix, is also the imperial concubine empress' elder sister, last September, a female Taoist priest from practice moral teachings in our view Chang-an and since then, she makes moves free with money, enjoy the value of view lord, give she only hospital oblation three pure, I by chance hear she way too true, even her shapes has never seen, until two months ago, she was some feeling Yangs, view lord life I enter the hospital accompanied her to practice moral teachings, I this just see her true character, indeed as expected was a country s è for sky joss-stick, an accidental opportunity, I listenned to her female of sh ì call the her imperial concubine empress was scolded by her Xun, I just knew, originally she was Yang Gui Fei of the great reputation."
The Anne Lu mountain listens to itching to do unbearablely, again hurriedly way:"What evidence do you have?"
"Have no quantity for sky, I is in order to beg to appreciate since then, how have no evidence."
She turned head to point package within the sh ì Wei hand, the sh ì Wei hurriedly put package on the table and untied, sees two kind things in the package, a purple jade Qing, a roller for scrolls.
Anne Lu mountain the hand is a jade Qing, Li Zhu hurriedly 10 pass to he, the Anne Lu mountain cautiously conjectures this jade Qing, jade radiant Wen Run, present purple s è unclearly, have no the slightest impurities, absolutely is a beautiful best jade, the Anne Lu mountain once turned jade Qing to took a look bottom, sees up have record of writing, he cans not sees clearly and then asks Li Zhu Dao:"Up write what?"
Li Zhu knows words few, unexpectedly the above word he knows, he a word a word ground read a way:"Treasure in the sky four years, Fan Yang Jie's degree makes Anne Lu mountain He the imperial concubine set up formally."
"Is it!"Immediately the Anne Lu mountain j ī moves, " I say this jade Qing it's so familiar looking, is a sky, treasure four year when the imperial concubine sets up formally I send of the wedding present is this purple jade Qing."
Li Zhu hurriedly flatters a way:"Congratulate Wang Ye, the imperial concubine empress still keeps now Wang Ye sends of thing, explain that she still has kindness to Wang Ye."
Anne the Lu mountain is happy ha ha keep smiling, he again way:"Open art exhibition!"
Li Zhu hurriedly launches roller for scrolls again, the Anne Lu mountain doesn't clearly see another thing, but sees Yang Gui Fei's facial appearance, his eyes suddenly like get up, sees a top is an imperial concubine house diagram and draw easy, don't have the backing, Yang Gui Fei wears a tunic and covers with to spread hair and kneels in the Pu regiment mountain to match Zhang to make a bow with hands folded in front, the facial appearance natural beauty country s è, Chu Chu is moving, the person appears in public pity.
The Anne Lu mountains all stare at with awe, a long time just asks the middle age Taoist priestess the way:"This is who draw?"
"Is drawn by I, the I excels history, house before is norths all of commercial artist."
"Draw very goodly!Is very good!"
The Anne Lu mountain finally and a little bit believed, the j ī moved thousand times in his heart and long for day and night for several years of Yang Gui Fei finally appear, he unexpectedly and temporarily doesn't know how do just good, want to make son Anne celebrate a clue to answer, but Anne celebrates a clue and leads a soldier to go down south, at this time, Li Zhu Dao:"Wang Ye, not the slave runs a !The slave once sees the imperial concubine and conveniently recognized for a while, if be really, the slave then picks her up the You state is once,beats by dre solo."
The Anne Lu mountain right away promised, "you take 1,000 and ride a soldier and left for a song sun county, let river the painting teacher also go and make uniform for me again and be like with you, anyway, you want to bring back Hebei to her, matter become, I appreciate you 500 Guan money."
This can be treated as Anne the Lu mountain to give he nearby the slave bestowed most thickly, he again only and perhaps 1,000 ride a soldier drive Guo Zi Yi's raid, and then issue order a way:"Life Yin son the strange rate battalion again lay siege to too at first, there is no my order, can not withdraw!"
For being longed for day and night of woman, the Anne Lu mountain has already disregarded.
Is these days of, the history thinks a clear disease already completely like, he has already led battalion to return to settle state, he gets urgent intelligence report, Anne west soldier great commander thunder ten thousand state district magistrate Xin Yun Jing lead 15,000 people from fly a fox way into settle state, and cut off a luck to a batch of foods of too original mansion.
This matter, the history thought clear mental reservation to live Anne Lu mountain and flew a fox way is him of defend scope, he defense empty drive Anne west soldier sneak attack but go into, this lets Anne Lu Shan knew, he would can not eat Dou to walk.
The history thinks to immediately send army 50,000 clearly and go to settle Anne whom the state squareds to invade west soldier, but Anne west soldier absolute being Long Jian Shou disappear tail, he arrives to settle state, Anne west the soldier turned to fight easy state to go to again, on fire be located in a food Cang of easy county, lose 20 remainings of ten thousand stone foods, it thinks the history clearly distress excrescent.
This world noon, the history thought to finally get news clearly and sent army 80,000 people to go down south to help a war because of the Turkic servant bone department, the troops of thunder ten thousand springs had already withdrawn river east, this thinks the history a heart let go of clearly, he the immediately pleased hope an outside, the servant bone department not only fulfills contract to send army, but also still sends army 80,000 people, this is absolutely to make him with might greatly increased, by so doing, his important event can become.
Book 15 settle old Gao of Ding world to speak a few lines, concerning new book of some information, just come in to see
Old Gao speaks a few lines, concerning new book of some information, just come in to see
Old Gao isn't at in home now, but at other parts of country kin home, make use of great occasion of nation long leave, take Gao Sao and daughter to come out to relax, they went out to play, old high but foolish don't go out for a day in the room, in fact almost didn't go out every day for these several days, writing the hand had no day off.
Maying have book friend will say, the high renewal combines not much!The first two more 7,000 words, yesterday two more 6,000 words, slightly many today, two more 9,000 words, how have no time to go out?
The typing is slowly reason, the finger is very painful, at last write the occupational disease of hand!Another important reason is old Gao to still need to prepare a new book, outline, details design, if had better write to come out at 1:00 probably, hand over to edit to examine.
Because old Gao doesn't want to take a rest for a few months to deliver a new book again, this book be over, the new book can immediately mount, this is 1 kind of old Gao to try.
The new book will be a to completely build on stilts history, dynasty have no on a history, rather toward, but with lend much older high in the last years to write a historical backlog, I will make the reader feel, this is the history of China, can feel history of decorous.
Of so write to build on stilts, is old high to prepare to walk a story to flow, write a five dragon Duo the fascinating story of the Di, this is exactly exceled by old Gao, so can design a background and history affairs needed by some Duo Dis.
Tactics is have to, but old Gao not thinks that the n that is excessive to write y ī strives for, but writes strategy and makes longer line this time, Yan such as painting book similar, slowly display, so, would can even realize the taste of tactics.
Secondly isn't to compete for hegemony, probably can't involve how much war, the war certainly also have, being can not be solved a benefits allotment with the political means of antinomy, the war appeared, just can't write more.
There being also leading role is certainly to cross, and will reserve the thinking and technical ability of more more modern people, create civilization conflict and wealth in the ancient times, moreover, the leading role can'ts let his theatrical mask draw, emphasizes a freedom and don't by the convention like a card etc..
Old Gao can promise, the new book will be that one is very fascinating, very worth expectation of good book, will outstrip 《world 》 .
Finally, old Gao still requests a monthly ticket and in fact write a book is also a kind of competition, each one writes hands to all hope that oneself can have a good position, monthly ticket placard in fact be of real strenght placard, so old Gao also wants to actively compete and in no case and easily talks to hurt.
This is world's last month the competition classification monthly ticket placard, target is before killing into history six, let world perfect Xie Mu, then old Gao will be dead silent on the monthly ticket placard a period of time, so old Gao has to work hard this month.
The book friend that pleads old Gao continues to support, twice monthly ticket period, you throw of each ticket, old Gao all will feeling j the ī not exert, although can not remember to vote book friend name one by one, these name I acquaint with very much, is all old friend, the feeling of support of this book friend old Gao will be born firmly in mind to heart.
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