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"We don't have doll cleverness."
"We have no doll reasonable."
"We have no ……."
Looking at underneath the Ji Ji Zha Zha is noisy the children of one regiment, Liu Jing learns of head have a little big, current of he profoundly felt those primary school teacher's pains.Just, does the doll have so many advantages?
Have no?
Seem to be still to have?!All of the words of these children are actually true at, there is no Chan leave of.So, when, the doll starts changing so excellent?The in the mind that Liu Jing learns beautiful Zi Zi of:See, this is my kid Ai.Is me since the childhood, a little feeding, education, development of kid Ai, be so subjected to many people's affirmation, that isn't to say, I educate a kid, also fairly good of, child ha ha^_^.
"We have no doll to eat well."
?This ……, is this also an advantage?!
"You past who have ever eaten a steamed stuffed bun?You past who eat intemperate pot of?Before you who once ate steamed roll, who have ever eaten fu ling a round flat cake?Who once eat ……."A beautiful young girl bye wear speaking of finger similar kind Liu Jing after learning here all make of delicious of thing:"Still have, you past who once ate that kind of the saint a round flat cake that contains bright divine power?"Ai, this, seem, the doll also doesn't to come out?
"All all theses, all and father of doll, the Liu quiet senior who is also at present is old relevant, so, the most basic reason be-you don't have doll a so good father."The conclusion that firmly makes an end, that little girl and then pike head pointed to Rao to have interest to looking at she of Liu Jing learn.
"E ……I?!"Momentary Liu Jing's learning originally is smilinglying looking at that little girl, didn't thought of, the pike head of end pointed in own again.
"Right ……""is ……""how didn't I thought of ……" one attaches harmony to ring out in the children.
"So, accept the old guidance of Liu Jing's senior, listen to old words for Liu Jing's senior, will be our lucks, whether Liu Jing's senior Be old to make us do what or not, we the tube hard do be, you still just here the Ji Ji is very slanting,you don't know that this are a how precious opportunity, missed this opportunity, you will regret it's for life."The companion wears clear and crisp kid's sound, all children looking at the taste that Liu Jing learns in all was full of to imagine, hoped, and greedy.
"I thought of, you were the girl whom I first know, called …… call …… call ……" thought several times, Liu Jing's learning stilled didn't think of at present of the kid who acquaints with call what.
"I call card Si the Di is a tiger clan of, 5 years old this year, unexpectedly Liu Jing's senior is old at 100 favour in can also remember me this small guy, let me feel keenly honor."Use light language, that Liu Jing learned to inform to forget the exasperation of one Ms. Wei's name to him.
", To, you are to call card Si Di."Embarrassedly smiled to smile, Liu Jing learned clear to young girl it is thus clear that of the exasperation feel helpless:Who make oneself forget the somebody else's name:"You is who teach yours, how ……how ……how seem to be so ……Wu ……precocious?"
"Is precocious?"That girl considered a short while, small face's becoming was getting more white more:"Are you to say my to be getting older?Seem I didn't°yet your son, doll of old."
E, this kid how can thoughts of that that aspect went to, although Liu Jing learns of woman's good luck isn't on the whole too good,hear eyes to see of, he also knows to talk age to the woman, that is a tremendous taboo:"That, what I said doesn't mean your physiological age, is to say your in the mind age, to,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com, saying that your in the mind age compares as usual and together an age is precocious the person is old, approach the thinking method of adult more, not is say your physiological age."
Lookinging at of card Si Di doubt Liu Jing learns, Liu Jing learns strong support face to make of a very honest shape, bear with conjecturing of young girl.
"That I believed you."Slightly a words, make Liu Jing's senior long of hiss one breath, stretched hand to once fondle a forehead, made the action that wipes perspiration.
Card Si the Di is learned by Liu Jing of the action to stir of smiling of Luo Luo, show the appearance of a pediatric female, Liu Jing who see's learning is a burst of and dejected:Does the doll seem to is also a little bit precocious, if introduce this kid to the doll, will can't bring a daughter-in-law for me?

Text 144, develop delay effect
Renew time:2008-10-2812:36:13 chapter word numbers:4208

"I am thinking what, incredibly will want to give a just did the 7-year-old kid seek a wife,was that my mental age is too old, urgently wore to see those subsequences performance for carrying on the family lining?"Explain that kind of to separate a close performance with own language, Liu Jing learns a smiling of self-ridicule to smile.
The everybody technique that the strong breeze looks for talented persons all have been already arrived, a waits to learn a neighborhood at Liu Jing quietly, the children also was all got by the adults to return to have lunch, passed the guide, education that Liu Jing learns, people here finally start be used to a day had three meal, however now still only children those stick the physical labor just entitle to eat that in-between lunch, because Liu Jing's senior is old severely request, for raising stick the body character of the physical labor and future good physical labor-kid, in the center need to add a meal once.
"All of everyones are each clans in have the talented person of special technical ability, seek everyone this time, is to want to gather all children, hand over to everyone, let everyone teach own technical ability to them.Don't know that everyone has what suggestion and opinion, know, I to these technical ability what of, all not that experienced.Studying these technical abilities whether needs some special conditions, also be not I can know of.So want to listen to everyone's opinion."
All of the persons of underneath are that the ones are silents, no one takes a chamber.
"Everyone's company measures a company to measure and see to need some what, we prepare in advance very much, because wait to begin a new year, underneath of the pedestrian of the road much after getting up, we will build up a series of store or service profession according to our existing technical abilities, so, can from person's clan there is our Zheng arrive later of living the supplies still have already saved to return us drive sell of clansmen."
"Now, underneath of trip store have already talked good intentions for two dukes of hand sanitizer and others' clan, and still have the dwarf moreover an invention of clan to also want to carry on a negotiation with others' clan, my son, doll, today in early morning be bottom go to and the be called what of duke negotiate relevant of affair, the first step presumably can ast least bring us 1,000 the gold coin the or so income."Presumably, minimal, that what the duke should ast least buy 1 to return to show to put everywhere, Liu Jing learns like this think.
"Dwarf's clan is the political satellite clan of doll, so, these gold coins should completely return a doll to name, our first step decides, these money inside, will take out half of pure incomes as the wages that we pay to the workers, because these things would come out from their hand inside manufacturing, they paid to labor, they should acquire those guerdon."
"These workers will win election to choose from all races, we will measure with their company, whether the supplies that directly needed with them pays to their guerdon to conduct and actions, so, can also avoid time that they go out to look for food and life supplies, let them with concentration of creation we need of product."
"Moreover, I will result selling out supplies in, in addition to give those workers' half wages, moreover of half of halfs, hand over to that contriver processing."The attention of many technique talented persons was attracted to the words that Liu Jing learns:"After first step estimate, probably sell a product each time, that contriver will acquire 100 incomes with or so gold coin."
The underneath one suppresses of surprised noise of shouting.
"Certainly, these reward is the invention that aims at to own a huge benefits to say of, however, we still have the quite a few list the business to do now, is just that the momentary hand has a little shortage, so, we need some well-trained works and need those techniques works that can make instruction and need to in great quantities apply a talented person, they will bring us a great deal of supplies and wealth Related articles:

