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Sub .It is thousand long dug over, designated to take you . , relationresultBOTnodded is responsive ,but asked the recruits to the mouth : what name is called? , relationresultThe Moken his voice was deep , relationresultThe nose how not ? , relationresultThere is a duel ,the owner let no equipment I and two armed men .
I kill them but also suffered light injuries ,I after the end .He cut off my nose , this is the reward . , relationresultLooking at theMoken calm face ,BOT secretly praise : a narrative of this experience, he can be gentle tone ,a soldier .
relationresultPatnew subordinate shoulder ,some low tone said: believe me ,soldier .You will have a lot of cutting off the human nose opportunity .Now ;let an take you to rest ,beats by dre uk,you live with him, he will tell you the rules here , relationresultAt theturn of the subordinate, BOT heart is very calm :slavery ,why different race of life cannot be equal ,if human beings do not discriminate the orcs ,orcs will not hate humans .
If this war would not have happened .If there is no war so he could have a job ,every day to read a book ........relationresultDonre in a daze he sounds to make blind and disorderly conjectures in BOT from back , relationresultHabitualtouch hair BOT replied: no ,just move the eyes .
, relationresultOn entering the roomhe saw thrown on the bed blue thick book ,his finger pointing at it ,said : you this trouble has to change, you know ?Every time I see you read a book when I doubt you race ,you are Orc ?Or are you orcs ? , relationresultBotfor comrades make trouble out of nothing very helpless ;orcs are orcs and other mixed-race man ,they have legal status in the Empire and orc is equal, but in appearance and physical quality of too far behind .
relationresultThe orcsare handsome ,beautiful of course, this is relative to the orcs .They face basically inherited the body blood ,in addition to the orcs that part .So the BOT is hardly the orcs ,blood banner brigade all melee occupation is the pure blood of the orcs .
relationresultWhy don say I goblin ,cheap beats by dre? , relationresultYou are such a high elf, and goblins are bright green skin ,and you can simply be black . He continued .relationresultBOTweak smiled and shook his head and said: come on, what is it to me , relationresultSomething ,every time after the big fight Carew hundred length to please all the sergeant to drink ,you should not forget it ? , relationresultYou don say I really forget, give me the helmet ,we don people , relationresultIn Europethe helmet into the BOT side side pull : would forget to drink such a thing ,I really doubt you race , relationresultHe catches ahelmet ,BOT just ignored ,from lying in my bed old jokes .
Walk out of the room .relationresultWait for me and talk at the same time he almost from the bed bounce also broke out of the room .relationresult. relationresultThe twelve chapter of war , relationresultThere wasa scholar in the around the continent in his works wrote: the mainland has a complicated race ,almost every race of warrior has their own unique hobby ,however any race .
But they have a common interest that is wine .relationresultBOTshook gutter head ,sitting up in bed and caught it on the side of the kettle ,head of binge drinking ,my meditation :Damn Shotton ,last night where so much ale .
relationresultGet out of bedand headed for the bathroom ,cold water to numb the skin gradually restore perception .relationresultI will not drink so much wine . BOT to saponin liquid spread over the entire body of said automatic speaking .
relationresultRinsedried water trace ,returns to the room .He lay back on the bed and took the blue book ,time started .relationresultSuddenly,without warning ,the bugles blowing up .The original silent reading BOT from bed up ,threw away the books ,she started dressing .
Thought : what happened? How suddenly to set .relationresultA variety of complexarmor lock in BOT extremely skilled operation, rapid opening and closing .A moment in neat BOT quickly went out of the room ,in front of a left hand to aggregate under the said: starting , relationresultThe bugleis emergency collection letter mark ,this team is pedantic ,beats dr dre.
relationresultThe same thingis happening all around ,a team of dress of ORC warrior running toward the rendezvous point .Their leader sergeant, was yesterday and BOT hangover companion .
But the orc is ;whether the body state how, as long as there is a battle there is strength .relationresultLongbefore Karu hundred saccades tidy line-up of subordinates ,brown pupil flashing away, his loud voice : I just got the order ,the Robbie union thirty thousand troops coming toward us ,they and fifty thousand St.
casino Empire army .The day after tomorrow to .In addition ,the wood elves also have ten thousand people joined the enemy .However, Her Majesty main force will take at least five days to breakthrough volume Lun fort to Kansas ,that is to say we have to face ninety thousand of the enemy, for as long as three days .
he deliberately paused to see subordinate ;they face without a fear and cowardice .But some people still showing excited look .Carew feebly shook his head : I think that for you it may be a good news ,but the thirty thousand army of ninety thousand troops this is doomed to be a battle ,so the commander ordered all adults :the fastest speed to join the forces in the construction of .
Cancel all leave and go out .Stand at attention ,to the right ,facing the Kansas wall running away .relationresultThe same time,Kansas a villa .relationresultAdmiral Nigelnegative hands up .
He located the room floor ,wall painting with all kinds of strange .Abstruse Map Case rune .If the above overlooking ;these runes and pattern is composed of a huge circle .However the law position is central put a heavy large earth pure black coffin .
It was inscribed with the living dead and skull .In this only a few candles to room is so dark .Horror .relationresultYou can .This is a violation of the law of empire .How can you so irrational stand beside Nigel to a prairie Spirit says anxiously .
relationresultA moment ofsilence after Nigel gravely voice : you know .Samer. The enemy troops to ninety thousand soon will the enemy approached the walls .Even though the Empire soldiers again strong .
Can and the Three Kingdoms to the main coalition against .When the thirty thousand soldiers are buried in different places ;not to say .Your majesty hunting mainland ambition will hold for decades .
.... , relationresultThatsaid here named Samer Di prairie spirit has apparently unable to calm down .He was roaring interrupted his boss : even so you can become lich ....... , relationresultOf course I can ! Admiral Nigel Be Samer also loud voice interrupted his subordinate : you of all people should know .
Facing the casino to holy priest .The scourge of instant will be resolved .Only I enter the blood into the coffin .A lich and I and it was placed in the natural disaster with combination method positions intermediate .
In order to prevent the sacred ministers play God with large .Only in this way the Undead Scourge operation can be effectively ....... , relationresultI pray you don subordinate crying interrupted screaming to jill .
Choke with sobs : Samer .Let me take you into the blood into the of the coffin !After you become Lich also do a husband and father .You think your wife .Daughter !They don you is a necromancer . Related articles:

