
http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com Zhi wave feeling su

Of the body surface flow of just like the curse of long snake sort, but they flow more quickly fresh and red, I am frightened of looking at all these, the body control doesn't live of the dither of Se Se,dr dre beats, at this time a pair of emollient arms suddenly from after embrace me, hug me into one to acquaint with but again warm bosom, gentle and soft and generous voice from the beginning the crest spread, "do not fear, I at your nearby!"
Subconscious' shouting low, I think that I will shout the name of an elder brother You, but open mouth to call of but is another unfamiliar but again acquaint with of name ……
"…… All person ……"
When I read a , this name, the tears of the tears overflow immediately dyes wet my face and doesn't live I to turn round to embrace my control he, tightly hug, silently feel that in his bosom the deep place is from the heart the warm that flow out, the breathing unusually feeling at ease covers with me, the body stops shivering, is full of a kind of difficult to express sense of security.
He acts my hair of light and soft petting, the palm warming up has been slipping to the back from my top of head,cheap dr dre beats, for a while for a while, very comfortable, I close last eyes to feel this kind of quiet and peaceful equanimity is full of the action of care and love, hope forever if this continues ……
Suddenly, he is loose to open always a gentleness to embrace my hand, station start to turn round to leave, my body is suddenly icy cold, frightened must a while Ye tight his dress Cape voice shiver of say:"Do not …… don't walk …… you go where ……"
"Feeling,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, did you forget?I am going to exterminate nine tails!"He says to turn a head to looking at toward me to smiling of my gentleness, the aureate hair twinkles dazzling ray of light, I finally see pure his face under the bright moonlight, he unexpectedly BE-wood leaf four fire shadow!
"Already didn't how many times, I have to want to walk!Wait I to exterminate nine tails to come back right away."
He smiles to leave to me, a terrified felling suddenly gobbles up my whole body, I a while hold firmly his dress Jin Be not willing to let go, the tears has already followed my cheeks continuously flow bottom ……
"…… Return …… return not to come …… will die …… don't go ……"
Lookinging at of his gentleness I open mouth to say hard, I stretch hand to hold close me to say:"I am four fire shadows!Protecting the village is my responsibility, the time that this kind of is urgent how can evade?Even if knowing perfectly welling will die me must also go."
Light and soft voice ring the play that live not in the my ear, my body but control shake for a while, the heart is immediately piercing ……seem ……once heard same words ……when?
I bear with suddenly since then violent ache of head to remember hard, gentleness' embracing four of my fires to copy has already loosenned to open me and proceed without hesitation of turning round and dashing away into front endless blackness of in ……
"Don't…… don't walk ……"
I worried of wanted to make track for to block him in the past, but somehow or other foot one Ban be fallen down a while dust in, looking at at present that is snow-white to have flame of the figure of totem leaves me more and more far, the tears is immediately like gushing of spring ……
I have already deplored greatly can not breathe, Be just the figure exhaustive disappearance that is foolish to foolishly looking at that handsome Yi at darkly in, the body clearly can also feel the temperature that he brings me, but the figure that makes me love dearly has already could not seen any further ……
"Come back …… don't walk ……"
I hard of uprising, facing he disappears of the direction hobble of walk, mumblingly say in, be full of willing to wound laughter suddenly resound through in my ear and acquaint with very much, is a whose voice?
My fan's Mang wears to think and continues in front of the facing to walk to search the figure of that gentle and soft handsome Yi hard hard, malice of orotund but suddenly sneer at of call way:"He returns not, all returned not to come forever, you know perfectly well a way be not?Why to still need to cheat oneself?Now that you are so painful, I let you again a little bit painful, I for you find back all lost memories come!All pain and sufferings are all to find back for you!"
"Don't , stop, don't make me think of ……" I am surprised to fear to of call way, one Shan but numerous images dying once suddenly and again appeared and in the moment brushed past one by one from me in the brain, but speed already slow come down, I finally saw pure for the first time that always could not catch of appearance, having that on each appearance four to me gentle and soft laughing fire shadows is forever ……
The memory of tidewater sort suddenly flows out to go into my brains, gentleness of all person, generously all person, always embrace me laughing to me all person ……end of memory settle space at that the icy cold lonely Wei work properly stone tablet forever up, I at top see his name-wave breeze all person.
My heart's imitating a Buddha has already stopped jumping about, just over there, very foolish station's that orotund cachinnation write:"Finally understood, he died!Die!Die forever!You could not see his any further, could not see forever, forever ……"
"Don't !Don't at say!I don't want to listen to, you get away!Get away!"
My Wu wear ear loudly call, all anyway don't want to listen to that evil voice, but completely didn't use, that voice's imitating a Buddha to drill into my is general in brain, takes satisfied laughter to call a way time and time again:"Die!Die!The Yu Zhi wave feeling loves most of wave breeze all the person is dead!The lasting dead dropped and returned not to come any further!"
The evil language is mowing my heart like the most sharp knife, good painful, really like painful, why want a pain like this, why want to bear with this kind of molestation, thinking of my frenzy, want to grow crazy, want a scream, want to ruin oneself, I finally finally accept and can not stand this kind of huge molestation on the spirit and send out a burst of madness to pole of bellow, nerveless fall down on the ground, can not get up any further ……
The face sticks at icy cold of ground up, grow to deliver in great disorderly in covering face, the body has no half any further the energy for cent, I vacant of looking at a person to all disappear of direction, vacant of want why resume memory will so painful?If having never lost memory should have much good, at least need not bear pain and sufferings like this again, if destine and want and make I beating into a despairing abyss from the happy highest point, that I wish foolish forever in the abyss, don't never be happy, the felling falling off from Gao Kong is really very painful and very painful ……
Consciousness more and more Hun Dun, at present of the scenery have already started faintness as well, the circle month could not see, the sky could not see, feels the endless blackness cover with I, finally even see oneselfs to be missing, already doesn't matter, what all doesn't matter, let my soundly asleep the bottom go to, don't wake up forever ……
The brilliant sunlight steaming hot shines on to under way win to endure the third examination at this time of huge test a field, but the owner on the grandstand all without previous arrangement have a kind of algid felling and allow who suddenly hear that crary and wretched scream, must feel chill the body, up to now still the many people didn't clear up to exactly take place what matter, just see after the Shan wood American Ji crary cachinnation, two people have been standing at first to hold, then at the owners all soon wait out of patience of time, the Yu Zhi wave feeling suddenly bellows 1 to pour on the ground.
Certainly, those not understand of what person point is a wood the leaf common villager still has those names that make a special trip to rush through to watch a game various Hou, present ninjas all clearly know the Yu Zhi wave feeling is to win magic would so, just they also not apprehensibility, exactly is what kind of magics, can let to own an eye of write sink into territories ground of such pain and sufferings to the Yus Zhi wave feeling of big parts of magic immunities?That imitates a Buddha to hurt to the marrow painful interjection of sad Qi even if is whole day sink to immerse at bloody kill medium ninjas suddenly and hear all the control doesn't live of beat one one cold Zhan.
"What did she actually see?"
All ninja heart in all is asking this question, but have no answer, have on that back the girl of this round fan pattern at sent out that heartsick bellow to pour on the ground after didn't get up any further.
Yu Zhi wave You the subconscious want to hurtle over there after seeing the feeling falling flop, but drive true a, month of light 2 people blocked hard ……
"Now just in the examination, again etc. really didn't go us to lead together with you in a short while Related articles:

